An open heart is a wise heart.
The unguarded heart is a powerful force.
A return to innocence,
To a time before you knew pain, loneliness, fear, betrayal…
When you loved fiercely, without limits and without conditions.
We are born with unguarded hearts
And slowly learn to contract and hide them.
To pull away from serving Love -
From your true heart’s yearning -
To instead serving fear as your master.
These patterns of self-betrayal
Settle into your body
Until they feel like home
And you believe a distant heartbeat is enough
To build a life around.
Until your heart gets jolted
As if by an internal electrical force
And you know you can no longer live
With your heart in a cage.
Inhale, exhale
The beat draws closer
And you begin to dance
In rhythm
Your body opening
In rhythm
Your heart opening
The more you dance
The lighter it becomes
The more light it shines
Dancing, in rhythm with the world.
We have learned to close our hearts as a way of survival, only to learn that we are dying. Unless we live from our hearts - from our wild, open hearts - we will always be searching for ourselves through another. We must once again live as a force.